Last night we went to Rob "Bronco" Bryn's birthday party. You might know Rob from around the way if you've been around North Brooklyn, he is the lead singer in Wild Yaks and wrote and directed a couple of plays. He turned the ripe old age of 34 yesterday, and we went to Best Pizza to celebrate. When I first moved to NYC I crashed at Rob's house, smoking Tops roll-ups in a room with seven dead christmas trees February 3rd 2006. We had a party and burned the trees in an oil drum, flames rose three stories high. We lived on the fourth floor of the Men's Colony at 119 Ingraham Street, the bathroom in the hall, across the street from a building full of ex-cons on work release in one of the most unattractive areas in Brooklyn. Rob wised up and moved to Williamsburg but I still live in Bushwick right down the street.
Rob gets ready to open presents.
Bonnie and Christian celebrating their 8th anniversary.
Rob holding all of his presents. A golden palm, a Hermann Hesse
book, a mint plant, three t-shirts, fire crackers, a cask of something
or other, a paper plate, and other things. Best Pizza is good pizza.
Happy belated bday bro
Happy belated bday bro
Happy belated bday bro
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THX that’s a great awnser!
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