Last weekend we went to Shelter Island. It is an island in between the North and South Fork of Long Island surrounded on three sides by the Shelter Island Sound and by Gardiner's Bay to the east. We took the LIE to the end and then Sound Avenue to Greenport, where you take a ferry to the island. You can also access it from a southern ferry. We brought a rabbit and a lot of wine, cheese, and some bread, of course.
A semolina bread with fennel seeds and candied oranges. This bread smelled amazing as it baked. I felt bad for my neighbors. It made excellent french toast.
Shelter Island is beautiful. There is not a lot of boat traffic, it is mostly quiet.
Nami loves to fold up a little bit grass with a flower and give it to me.
The tulips drank in the sun, the plants bloomed the riot of Spring.
We stayed at Bob and Sylvie's house. Bob is a person who has done many things in life including being Baltimore's youngest city council member in 1972. Sylvie is his wife, they wear matching round-framed glasses, Bob's in red and Sylvie's in blue. Sylvie is from France and they have a daughter who lives there now. To celebrate Frenchness I had brought rabbit, plenty of wine, and a brioche.
The rabbit was braised with cranberry beans and stinging nettle. Rabbit is lean and lends itself well to braising.
Some coffee ice cream with banana and a slice of brioche. Afterwards, a glass or two of whiskey. It was very relaxing. I read Best American Sports Writing 2010, I took a nap. The air smelled good. Then we drove back to Brooklyn in the pouring rain and we have been here ever since.
Hey, subtle must be your mdidle name. Great post!
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