Save the date. I'll be joining Cook & Gates for the closing of their installation Ocean. I'll be setting up with a boys tee pop shop and we're going to collaborate on a limited edition MM + C&G beach blanket. Bands, drinks, the usual 

Saturday June 4th 3 to 8

Live With Animals 

210 Kent St

Brooklyn NY 11211


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  • German red mercury 20:20 258 N9 for sale

    German Red Mercury 20/20 258 N9: An Overview of Roteschemie
    Since 1992, Roteschemie has been manufacturing / producing red mercury 20/20 258 99.9999999% (N9) and (N5), silver liquid mercury, and Caluanie Muelear oxidizers in Germany. Roteschemie is the oldest German manufacturer of red mercury, with 83 employees and sales of 9.5 billion euros in 2021. This article summarizes the company’s services, products, and certifications. https://roteschemies.de/
    Company Background and Values
    Roteschemie was founded with concern for the environment in mind. Initially, the company concentrated on recycling used mercury and other waste products containing liquid mercury. The goal was to recover raw mercury, clean it, and reintroduce it into the economy in its purest form as red and silver mercury.

    Roteschemie now produces or manufactures 13 tons per week of red liquid mercury couple with precious metal concentrates from precious metal-containing waste and tailings. Furthermore, the company vacuums and immobilizes natural radioactive sludges and tailings containing red and silver mercury.
    Roteschemie is a member of the Environmental Alliance Saxony and has a QM system certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. The company also follows DIN EN ISO 14001:2009, demonstrating its dedication to environmental management.
    Services and Mission
    The company’s mission since 1992 is to mass produce German red mercury 20/20-258 9N and silver mercury for wholesale distribution worldwide. Roteschemie also provides red mercury waste collection, transportation, and storage, demonstrating their commitment to environmental protection.

    Roteschemie also provides vacuum thermal recycling of used mercury and various waste products containing mercury. There are also vacuum-thermal treatment and immobilization methods for naturally radioactive sludges and mercury residues, which can significantly reduce waste and promote sustainability.
    German Red Mercury’s Properties
    Aside from its high purity, German Red Mercury 20/20-258 N9 manufactured by roteschemie.de has unique properties that make it appealing to a variety of industries. Here are some of its distinguishing characteristics:

    1.) It is attracted to gold metal or gold chains: Because of this, it is employed in the gold mining business to extract gold from rocks and other things.

    2.) It repels garlic: This property makes it beneficial in a variety of medical and electronic applications where contamination must be avoided.

    3.) It is not visible in a mirror: Because it does not interfere with the reflective properties of mirrors, this unique property makes it a popular choice in mirror manufacturing.

    4.) After a few minutes, it turns water red: This property makes it useful in the construction of water detectors and the water treatment business.

    5.) When a cell phone is brought close to the bottle, it turns off: This property makes it helpful in a variety of electronic equipment where interference must be avoided.
    Products Availability
    Roteschemie.de manufactures and export high-purity German Red Mercury 20/20 258 99.9999999% in 1kg and 34.5kg bottles. This mercury is sold at wholesale pricing to retail firms and people by the company. Purchases, however, can only be done using cryptocurrency. Click on the contact form to buy red mercury online from Roteschemie. https://roteschemie.com/

    Roteschemie’s product line includes high-quality Caluanie Muelear Oxidize for large-scale global industrial supply. The company also specializes in producing pure and purest red mercury 20/20-258 through oxygen refining and high vacuum distillation, which is used in a variety of industries, including the medical and electronic industries.

    Furthermore, Roteschemie provides high-quality mercury for gold processing. This product is critical in the mining industry, where gold is separated from rocks and other materials using mercury.

    Dr. Andrae Uwe Otto[Geschäftsführer und Störfallbeauftragter]
    Phone/Whatsapp: +49-155-1053-8322
    Email: verkauf@roteschemies.de
    Website: https://roteschemies.de
    Telegram : roteschemies

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