Party this Friday!

We're super excited for this Friday, December 9. One of our FAVE bands, Steel Phantoms, is playing with Slowdance at Union Pool. The show was supposed to happen last week, but because of some health department bureaucracy, U Pool got shut down. It sucked! But, the world has righted itself and now the show is back and better than ever. And here's why...

Our FAVE DJs, J. Penry and Jay Green, will be DJing between bands and will continue the party after the show is over. The dudes will be playing super fun records for their (FREE) Cheap Shots dance party.

It also happens to be one of our FAVE chef's bdays. Jonny Meyer, who is also Mary's little bro, will be celebrating his birth at the show and after party.

Come check it out if you want to have as much fun as this cat:

Steel Phantoms

1 comment

  • Lavonn

    Created the greatest atrilecs, you have.

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