In 2004, I lived in Oakland on Miles Avenue down the block from Ted Purves, Susanne Cockrell, and their son Oliver. I lived at the corner of Miles and Hudson, one house in on the west side of Miles. Ted is an artist and educator. Mary lived in the house and I lived in the garage. The main garage door didn't open, I came in and out through the side door. I would pee in the yard instead of going into the house. If it was raining I would pee into the yard from my doorway. I lived in garages from November 2001 until June 2004. They had oil stains and beds in them. I got in bed fully...
On Saturday I went to the opening of Ai Weiwei's "Sunflower Seeds" at Mary Boone Gallery on 24th Street in Chelsea. The sunflower seeds are handpainted porcelain. Their creation was a labor intensive production requiring thousands of workers over several years. Some five million seeds were produced for the project. It premiered at the Tate Modern in London last year. At Mary Boone, they have a portion of what was on view at the Tate, which was a much larger installation. When it was first installed at the Tate, you were allowed to walk on the seeds. However, it was determined that walking on them created toxic dust and after that you were not allowed. At Mary...