I made this music video when I first moved into 97 Green St, in 2007. The band is Zeigenbock Kopf, a former side project to John Dwyer of Thee Oh Sees. The video quality is just terrible but the song is great. Its my first music video and its from a brief time when me and Robert Bryn were obsessed with posting on you tube.
IP's party was too much fun last night! Check out how me and Becca of Chromat both totally rocked each other's gear in the exact same fashion. Lets hear it for psychic matching. Check out more pics here
Who doesn't want a drink named after them? Thanks to Troy Bayless, a great photographer and friend, I now have the honor of being on the menu of Bar 355 in Oakland CA. Question is, does it rival The Hoppin, named after John Hoppin and served at Roberta's. I think a taste test is in order....
Saturday 4/16 I'll be setting up my entire Spring collection at In God We Trust. I'm offering a free tote bag with a purchase of $250 or more and for every purchase you will be entered into a raffle to win a MM
$100 give card. There will be free drinks (of course) secret discounts and my good friend Roger HOLLYWDGD (of Glazz.TV) is DJing. I'll be manning this myself so come on out and say hey!