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#OccupyWallStreet, Part II

I went with my parents to Occupy Wall Street.  The protests were only a few days old when we went, and just a few dozen people were there.  Dr. Cornel West was there.  Since I was first at Zuccotti Park there has been a lot of attention and interest in what has been going on there and the protest has grown significantly.  On October 22nd, Nami and I rode our bikes to Zuccotti Park to check out the scene. People bang on things. There are police barricades surrounding the park.  It is like attending a carnival on a doomed and tragic warship.  This is the lower western end of the Zuccotti Park. This is at the eastern end of the...

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I went to #OccupyWallStreet.  I was curious about what was happening there because I had heard conflicting accounts.  It was in Zuccotti Park down on Broadway. We came during the general assembly which is a daily status meeting.  Speakers shouted phrases and the crowd repeated them.  It was drizzling.  There was about 100 people there. Signs. Two signs.  I talked to the lady on the right, she moved to the US from Puerto Rico in 1964, now she lives in Fort Greene. She showed me the other side of her painting.  It was odd.  "?" Here is a picture of my parents.  Dr. Cornel West has his back to them.  He had just finished speaking, about revolution and making the...

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